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The threat of global warming and climate change calls for accelerated efforts to decarbonise our systems. Product development has an important role to play in this process, and competences in sustainable product development are important to the future production industry.


9 hours






The course is free of charge, but is considered as state aid.

The training programme consists of three separate courses

Göteborgs­re­gi­onens Kompe­tensnav in colla­bo­ration with Göteborgs Tekniska College invites you to participate in a free intro­duction to the area. 

The training programme consists of three on-line modules; 

Module 1: Circularity for Sustai­na­bility

Module 2: Life cycle

Module 3: Case studies of circularity and life cycle

Every module ends with a small examination where you get to check your own learning process. The estimated time for finishing the three modules is 9h. 

At the end of the course, learners who have completed all the course-modules success­fully, will receive a diploma.

Target group

The course directs engineers/​technicians working within the production industry but are no experts today. For example project managers, managers and others concerned about Sustainable product development. 

To take part in the course, you must be an employee of a company with no more than 250 employees within the automotive industry, and established within one of the Gothenburg region’s 13 munici­pa­lities (Ale, Alingsås, Gothenburg, Härryda, Kungsbacka, Kungälv, Lerum, Lilla Edet, Mölndal, Partille, Stenungsund, Tjörn, Öckerö).

Learning outcomes

  • Boundary conditions, What is Circular economy? Building a strategy for sustai­na­bility, Circular economy business model, Circular design, Circular materials
  • Life Cycle Vision, Example of an LCA and CES Eco Audit
  • Partners and stake­holders in circular economy


After your application you will receive an e‑mail within a few days (from Göteborgs Tekniska College) about the training; Log-in, contact information and other relevant information for your training.

Sign up

Financed by the European Social Fund

This course is partly financed by the European Social Fund. After the course, you will need to digitally sign your parti­ci­pation. The course is free of charge but is considered as state aid. Parti­ci­pating companies are thereby obliged to sign a form to confirm that they have recieved state aid.

Introduction to Sustainable Product Development
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Foto av Johannes Persson

Intresseanmälan: Introduction to Sustainable Product Development